Re: Q3 GNOME quarterly report

> [: Christian Kirbach :]
> [...] very little conclusions can be drawn from looking at the numbers of
> commits [...] Is it not just the plain number of words in strings
> translated that matter? Or less precise, the number of strings translated?

Notwithstanding that this particular thread is concerned with giving numbers
for the sake of giving numbers (which gives me creeps :), certainly very
little can be seen from number of commits. But, on the other hand,
meaningful metrics ("number of words translated") is not straightforward to
define either. Given an older and a newer PO file, one must differ between
completely new messages, modified messages (what is a modified message?),
and messages to which only translation was modified (review modification).
For example, if a paragraph-length message got only one-two words changed in
original, it should not be counted as translated from scratch. Then, more
basically, how to define a "word", given that messages contain various
constructive elements (formatting directives, accelerator markers, markup),
which are not words proper but do require attention and hence add to
translation effort.

At any rate, I've tried to define a measure of "nominal number of newly
translated words" (NNTW) between paired PO messages (and also how to pair
messages from two PO files). Algorithmic details are somewhat convolved, but
the general idea is that NNTW represents equivalent effort of translating
clean text from scratch. The tool which calculates NNTW is part of Pology ( ), a PO diffing script run in special mode on
two PO files or directories of PO files:

  $ poediff -U foofile-older.po foofile-newer.po
  $ poediff -U foodir-older/ foodir-newer/

It can also run directly on a Git repository:

  $ cd gnome-games
  $ rev1=$(git rev-list -n 1 --before='2011-07-01' master)
  $ rev2=$(git rev-list -n 1 --before='2011-10-01' master)
  $ poediff -U -c git -r $rev1:$rev2 po/
  nominal newly translated words: 10030

How PO messages are paired can be checked in the PO diffing section of
Pology user manual, and how NNTW is computed on pairs in
cats_update_effort() function in file in Pology sources.

Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)

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