Re: gnome-shell string freeze request

Op Di, 2011-03-22 om 10:22 -0400 skryf Ray Strode:
> Hey guys,
> One of the "holes" in the current gnome-shell ui is a lack of a
> "Restart" button.  There's been a plan to add one for a while along
> when some other design changes by putting it in the Power Off dialog.
> (see
> ).  Now the gnome-shell and gnome-session changes are staged and ready
> to go, see:
> See
> If at all possible, it would be good to get this into GNOME 3 (so
> probably would need to land today) since the lack of a restart button
> has been somewhat contentious.  Unfortunately, the new design has
> somewhat different strings.  The main differences is we now expose a
> Restart button (but we already had a string for it in the source) and
> now we use "Power Off" instead of "Shut Down" in a few strings.
> Can we makes these changes?

Do I understand correctly that if you keep "shut down" then no string
change is necessary? If that is the case, why the change in terminology?
I looked at the mockups at the URL and they all mention "shut down" as
far as I see.


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