Re: (non-GNOME)

Le mercredi 18 août 2010 à 21:12 +0200, Mario Blättermann a écrit :
> Am Mittwoch, den 18.08.2010, 10:15 +0200 schrieb Claude Paroz:
> > The TP uses a different workflow than transifex. Files you submit are
> > not automatically committed to the module repository.
> > Damned-Lies will only be updated once the maintainers will have manually
> > committed the files from the TP in their repository. There is nothing
> > else we can do.
> Perhaps we could do something else, depending on the abilities of
> Vertimus. All the files submitted to the TP are available in »textual
> domains« in a special database, independent from the various Git and SVN
> repos of the certain modules. Would it be possible to use this database
> [1] instead? In the current situation, we cannot really track the status
> of the TP modules. But with the described way, we could.
> On the other hand, all the changes in the appropriate repositories
> couldn't be tracked anymore. Then Vertimus has to track the current *.po
> files as provided from the TP robot.
> Or we use a »mixed mode«. Vertimus tracks the changes in the Git and SVN
> repos as usual. But before it provides the status in the D-L pages, it
> should compare the merged files with the current files in the »textual
> domain« database. Or any other idea how to improve the tracking...?
> Cheers,
> Mario
> [1]

That's possible developments, but I won't do it. Of course, patches
welcome :-)


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