Re: Cultural Issue with the Foot Logo

Theppitak Karoonboonyanan skrev:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 7:51 PM, Thomas Thurman <tthurman gnome org> wrote:
Ysgrifennodd Theppitak Karoonboonyanan:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Gudmund Areskoug
<gudmundpublic gmail com> wrote:

I think no alternative logos will appear until people start submitting them.
I'm not an artist. So, all I can do is propose ideas. As said somewhere
in the marketing-list, I like Thilo's idea of the gnome hat. Probably, we
can start with an old icon of EOG (attached). We can remove the eye
to get only the hat, or it may include a gnome's face as well.
You could cut it down to the bare essentials:

Any more and it would look like the Bass logo.
Hey, this looks cool! Thanks.
Just don't think of an ice-cream cone turned upside down... ;)

Meanwhile, with my poor artistic skill, I've mocked up what I imagined,
which is far from finalized.
Wouldn't an upstyled capital "G" be sensible, like Sharuzzaman 
suggested? Even if this might perhaps mean one upstyled "G" for every 
script, it would certainly be neutral. Unless...

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