Re: Cultural Issue with the Foot Logo

On Do, 2008-10-30 at 13:27 +0700, Theppitak Karoonboonyanan wrote:
> Dear gnome-i18n,
> I believe this is an appropriate place to discuss about cultural
> conventions.
> How is a foot interpreted in your culture? Do you have the same
> issue I have met? In my culture, showing foot is considered rude.
> And the foot is not something to impress people who are totally new
> to GNOME.


I think this is a very interesting topic, and it will be interesting to
see how we handle it. I don't think the foot is a problem in my culture,
but in a way, I don't think that is the issue. The issue is that it is a
problem in your culture, and therefore we have to consider it.

I assume that culturally sensitive graphical design is hard, and I guess
you are used to simply taking what you get as a Thai translator. If we
say we are an international group, we should try to accommodate this
difference as much as we work on text layout, GUI translation, date
formats, etc.

I think I know of at least one team that doesn't translate and promote
Firefox under that brand, since the fox is considered negative in their
culture - I guess for Mozilla there is too much in that brand to dilute
it, but they lost that team (in as far as I know). I see there is a beta
translation of Firefox 3 into Thai - I don't know if it is similar for
you perhaps.

While we will probably discuss this much more, a possible solution I'm
thinking of would be to choose something different, but that has a
similar visual style. For example, a hand / tree / bird / whatever of
which the icon is designed so that it looks similar to the GNOME foot.
For RTL languages some icons are swapped around - would a similar
mechanism help to use alternative graphics in the Thai locale? My gut
feeling says no, but perhaps it is something we can work towards.

Just some thoughts. Good luck!


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