Hi ppl, In the same vein of improving things for translators, I would like to reopen the subject of Transifex, an improvement of Damned Lies made by Dimitri Glezos for the Fedora Project. - What permit us Transifex ? Transifex is not only a statistical tool like DamnedLies, but it also permit translator/coordinator to send their work directly into the VCS. - What will be the benefits for us ? I think there is two advantages : * first it will lower the barrier for people to become "coordinator". Using a VCS is not an easy task from a non-coder perspective (not for all of course). With Transifex, we could have more committer per team, which is not possible actually because of the technical barrier and because of the "big" responsability of having an access to the svn. * one of the problems we encountered when we talked about moving to various VCS/DVCS, was the more complex syntax most of them are using (ie git). We said that it would be too complex to use for technically low-skilled contributors, and that one of the reason we stay with SVN which has a syntax similar to CVS. Transifex handles modern DVCS (GIT, Mercurial) simultaneously, so it solves this previous problem. - When could we do that ? It seems that dev would like to switch to a new DVCS near 2009. It would be nice to have set this up *before* the new VCS. - What's next ? During GUADEC 2007, Gil Forcada, Данило Шеган and Vincent "IceCream" Untz talked about integrating Vertimus into Damned Lies [4]. We don't have news about that project, but it would be a nice objective to set a after the transifex transition. As a brand new fedora contributor, I can say using Transifex is very easy for us, no more strange command line :) Regards, Bob (the another not really secret guy) References : [1] Dimitri Glezos Announcement http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2007-July/msg00003.html [2] Fedora Project's Transifex : https://translate.fedoraproject.org [3] Various VCS trol^W debates : http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.desktop/34084/focus=34119 http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.desktop/31404/focus=31455 http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.desktop/31404/focus=31449 Last one : http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-infrastructure/2008-February/msg00001.html [4] Integrating Vertimus : http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2007-July/msg00099.html [5] Vertimus source code : https://launchpad.net/vertimus/
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