small request for translators on committing

hey guys!

when i create the NEWS notes jsut before the release i summarize every
change done since the last release. of course i also put in there the
added/updated translations. 

the bad thing about it: it takes me extremely long to track down the
updated language abbreviation and the dude who updated the translation
as everyone commits different:

Updated Spanish translation (well, WHO updated it?)
et.po: Translation updated by Ivar Smolin (great, exactly how i need it)
hu.po: Translation updated (abbreviation is here, but who did it?)
Updated Malayalam Translation (what is the abbreviation of malayalam, to
see who updated it?)

i know that it is a stupid request, but it would me save a lot of time,
as when doing a release i use the biggest part of the time to make a
release for preparing that added/updated languages part.

any ideas, how we could improve that? what about an automated script on


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