Re: unsupported native african and creole languages?

Ysgrifennodd Paulo Silva:
> Hi!
> I can't find at Gnome TranslationProject any support to native african
> languages (like kimbundu, zulu, xhosa, etc.) and creole (like jamaican,
> capeverdian, etc.)
> My concern is about it seems to having lots of people using these languages
> as their main one, more than their nation oficially used...

As someone mentioned, the work gets done by people willing to do it.  

However, have you considered asking the people at whether they can find people willing to help 
out with translation of GNOME into a given language, or helping with 
them yourself if you can through translation or another way?


Thomas Thurman, tthurman at gnome,
Probably a wise choice.

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