Re: Strings from gnome-terminal


Am Mittwoch, den 27.08.2008, 19:41 +0200 schrieb Petr Kovar:
> Then you can always try to look into source code to see what's happening
> there. Some catalog editors also provides built-in source code viewer for
> this purpose (e.g. KBabel, Poedit).
src/terminal-screen.c says that it's indeed for phone (VoIP) calls
(callto, h323 or sip URIs):

  { "(?:callto:|h323:|sip:)" USERCHARS_CLASS "[" USERCHARS ".]*(?:" PORT "/[a-z0-9]+)?\\@" HOST, FLAVOR_VOIP_CALL, G_REGEX_CASELESS  },

Important is the FLAVOR_VOIP_CALL. It's used in the UI to determine what
kind of actions to show, in this case the call-related actions.


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