Keeping track of branched modules

Is it possible to get a raw text module branching list to the site?

I'm on the list, but it's so easy to miss a message about some
branched module sometimes, and you end up translating HEAD and
wonder why the module status does not change on the progress
pages at all.

I would prefer something directly linked from release toplevel
of the progress pages for, listing all modules and their versions
in a format you can automate to check local copies, example:

- from page we could
  have a link on top 'current module branches'
- current module branches can be a normal web page, but I would
  like to get a plain text file as well, for example like:

wget -O-
gtk+	gtk-2-10
glib	trunk
alacarte   trunk
evolution  trunk
devhelp    trunk
glade3     trunk

Format of this file is irrelevant, just something you can parse
automatically. Of course when we have the file itself, we should
provide scripts to use it:

- pull all source trees for given release set
- check against local release set tree and check if any modules
  have been branched for which you have a trunk copy of
- whatever useful we can think of

As far as I understand this file can be generated automatically by
the code which updates the progress pages, so it should not be too
big task to implement, or if the progress pages are in database, it
could pull current release set configuration automatically.

I'm happy to help implementing this, but just wanted to start first
discussion... we might already have this, or my ideas could be maybe
done better somehow.


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