Re: GTK+ translation errors

On 9/13/06, Matthias Clasen <matthias clasen gmail com> wrote:
I've just filed a lot of bugs for GTK+ translation errors.

Thanks! Having bug reports in Bugzilla is indeed helpful.

Most of them were things which are clearly pointed out
in the translator comments, so please read them, and if they
are unclear or insufficient, ask on gtk-devel-list or here.

Also, I notice that we have several translations which do not
have a bugzilla component in the l10n product, e.g. ia, li.
What is the policy for that, should I just add components ?

No, please don't -- we'd want to make sure first that there is someone
appropriate who will act as default assignee.

A language component may be missing for a number of reasons:

1. Accidental omission, caused by the GTP leaders (me, Danilo) who
manage the l10n product
2. Someone committed a translation without registering a language team
in the GTP first, in which case we have no idea of who has any
official responsibility for that language, or it is a translation team
which has been unmaintained for a very long time.

In the case of Limburgish [li], it was clearly reason 1 and I have
fixed that now, but for Interlingua [ia], it is probably more of
reason 2, and I do not know how to fix it.

In any case, we have the "Other" component as well, so if you don't
know what component to file a translation bug report in, please use
the "Other" component, and we'll try to transfer those bug reports to
the appropriate language team once we have a new team for that

So if you have buggy translations for which there is no appropriate
component, please use the "Other" component. Please file one report
per language, and please of course also be specific about what
language is affected.


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