Re: What happens to translations through Launchpad?

In Brazil GNOME and Ubuntu translation teams are trying to work
together, and maybe KDE and others team will come along, too. For now,
the strategy is to have Ubuntu translators helping the upstream
translators, them taking it into Rosetta and translating the
difference there. If this works, it will be great for GNOME pt_BR,
because there are much more Ubuntu pt_BR translators than GNOME ones.
Ubuntu pt_BR will get more consistent translations, and will have less
duplication of effort. The metting logs (in Portuguese) can be read in
UbuntuBrasil's wiki [1].

We are also working on a more general translation vocabulary. We have
one already, but stagnated; some people are working on a web portal
were the vocabulary can be edited dynamically, after discussion on the
proper mailing list. This effort should unify the very similar, but
not equal vocabularies used by LDP, GNOME and Ubuntu (and probably
KDE, XFCE, Mozilla and

Leonardo Fontenelle


2006/12/2, Christian Rose <menthos gnome org>:
On 12/1/06, Djihed Afifi <djihedlists googlemail com> wrote:
> I am not sure how translations in Rosetta contribute back to the
> projects' mother-ships.

In general, they simply don't.

> What happens to the translations made through launchpad? do they get
> merged back to Gnome?

In general, no, unless someone does it voluntarily and manually (which
is why it is in general a very, very bad idea to start translating an
upstream project like GNOME through Rosetta instead of in the upstream
translation project itself).

> will our work make it to ubuntu packages?

Yes, unless of course if some Rosetta translator is unaware of your
particular translation and/or decides that his/her translation is
better than yours, and decides to overwrite it in Rosetta, in which
case your translated messages will never be used in Ubuntu. At least
that was the case when I last read about upstream translators'
frustrations with Rosetta.

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