Re: Question regarding entering translation bugs in Bugzilla

2006-08-07 (월), 14:39 -0700, Young Song 쓰시길:
> Hi!
> Sun Globalization has a group of QA engineers who test localized Gnome. We plan to start entering bugs we find in Bugzilla. I heard that for translation bugs (i.e. unlocalized strings, typos, etc.), many of the language communities discuss them in the native language community aliases, rather than tracking as bugs in Bugzilla. I understand that this process may be slightly different per language community.
> My question is, whether it will be acceptable to the communities if we 
> enter translation bugs in Bugzilla. We would like to contribute to the 
> l10n community by providing our QA while we don't have individuals who 
> can discuss the bugs for all the languages we test in the respective 
> language communities at this time.

Translation bugs are always welcome to the Korean team.  The l10n bugs
are forwarded to our mailing list.

But when a bug is not obvious and when it goes to the long discussion,
sometimes on translation policies, I guess the discussion is going to be
in our mailing list, not in the bugzilla.  Well, the bugzilla is another
language barrier to most Korean users and contributors.

Changwoo Ryu <cwryu debian org>

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