Re: [translate-pootle] Re: Web-based translation for GNOME

Danilo Šegan wrote:

Hi Dwayne,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Today at 14:49, Dwayne Bailey wrote:

1) Pootle has the potential to bring much new fresh blood into your
communities, blood that is not all CVS, KBabel, vi inclined.

Indeed, that's why we already have for Serbian
translations, though I've been lazy in updating it for recent Gnome
releases (I need to run a script to fetch recent
translation-status.xml and update my database).

Basically, we have tracking (who did what), reservation ("I'm working
on this, don't touch"), glossary and restrictions (you can't update PO
file which someone is working on) and (static web pages) rules.
E-mail announcements about updated translations go to the mailing list.

The big feature we're missing is per-message translation (we have
per-domain translation, but without web editor).

The biggest problem though is that my PHP code sucks there :)

Ssh, don't tell anyone the code sucks :-)

2) Pootle has the potential to improve the quality of translations
generally, through structured review cycles.

Indeed, that's one of the best features I could see in Pootle, or any
such system. That's why I said web-based translation system would be
nice to have for Gnome.

3) Pootle has the potential to make coordinating a language much easier
as you know whose assigned what could set goals, etc

I agree. But I probably have too much experience with my system, that
I'm unwilling to sacrifice advantages it brings for advantages Pootle
would bring, so basically,...

I'm biased :)

...I'm biased too :)

My problem with Pootle is only that: I have my own biases, and it's
hard for me to overcome them, especially since I have my share of code
which overlaps with what Pootle tries to do. :)

While I think having web-based translation tool would be excellent for
official GTP, I find Pootle quite lacking in features.

I met a guy last week who refuses to use a cellphone: "I used a car
phone in the 80s they were big and impractical, been there done that, so
I'm not bothered with getting a cellphone"

From my sentence "I don't want us to make cellphones an official
(meaning: promoted and recommended) way to talk to your mom", you
deduce that I'm saying "car phones were crap back then, so I think
cellphones are crap as well, and you won't be able to talk to your mom
with them".  Does this really compare? :)

At we're actively using it. Yip there are many things
that could be added and they are appearing every day. I've run it with
40 people translating Firefox into Zulu. We completed Xhosa in 2 days.

So, I should be more constructive, I agree :)

I guess what I'm saying is don't judge a moving target on your
experience from the first releases.

Well, one can judge something just by what it is, not by what it may
become :)

That's fair enough. And its not always a bad thing to have multiple systems progressing in parallel

What can work now - or with a few changes - is to download the .zip file
from Pootle and extract that over your checked out Gnome.

That's going to be very problematic (think: CVS conflicts). I doubt
most translators have broadband and ability to "cvs up" their entire
Gnome checkouts prior to extraction step (they'd want only to cvs up
what needs cvs up-ing).

I've just got some initial file-based merging support working on Pootle and the aim is to use this for CVS merges.
Basically we could get the latest CVS revision and then do a PO-intelligent merge rather than dealing with CVS conflicts etc.

Email sounds good but do you want 100 emails? We need some better ideas
on what change notification needs to come from Pootle.

That's a problem with per-message translation systems.  Basically,
what we want here is to have maintainers give forward announcements:
"in three days we'll be releasing, so translators, please finalize your

Though, that's far from perfect as well. "Notification granularity"
is what translation coordinators would probably need (e.g. each
message edit could be marked "critical", "normal" and "enhancement",
with the default being "normal"; 1 "critical", 10 "normal" and 100
"enhancement" updates might trigger an e-mail notification).

Yes there would have to be some kind of intelligence built into this.
A IRC- or jabber-bot might be a nice idea for watching all the changes.

How would be best to represent what changed? diffs on PO files are often
hideous and unhelpful.

(Shameless plug: I'm actually working on sort of a podiff which will
ignore differences in source references, translator's comments, etc.
one slightly more complicated issue is actually emitting a minimal
"diff -u" compatible patch, at least it's more complicated with my
current PO file reader which ignores meaningless PO file data, such as differences between

 msgid ""


 msgid "blah"


Cool, but seeing as we already have parsing stuff like this in the Translate Toolkit, don't you want to use ours?

How would you reject translations? I'm not sure
if it would work to create a complex email parser.

E-mails referring to web pages are just fine, IMO. I'm too lazy to go to the same web pages and discover there have been no changes, while I regularly check my e-mail (basically, fetchmail does it automatically for me :).

With the Translate Toolkit we can already merge changes into an existing
PO file. Maybe one option is to email those changes and the coordinator
can edit those changes and merge them offline?

That seems too complicated. I think we need e-mail just for
notification purposes. Translation coordinator could then log in and
enter CVS account info (which will not be stored, except *maybe* for
username) to commit. HTTPS would be quite beneficial for that (btw,
is there any free software community based CA, which is also
recognized by free software?).

Apparently there is, can't remember the link.

Things I have in my TODO list, which I suppose would be very useful
for Pootle as well:

- msgmerge reimplementation in Python (with my PO reader class), and
ability to use any fuzzy matching algorithm
- word diff for msgmerge-d entries (I need this for xml2po as well)
- glossary and translator integration
- web translation editor should colour untranslated or fuzzy entries
background differently (when you _want_ to know context, so you're
showing all messages, these messages should be easily
distinguished), support search

What I've currently been adding to Pootle matches some of this stuff nicely (it stores the differing strings separately and you can manually review and accept/reject them with a colour-highlighted diff).

- using base language other than what's in msgid's (eg. if there's a
complete Croatian translation, and a Serbian translator is not very
well versed in English, she might want msgid's to be in Croatian;
this is easy to implement, though, but should be a big gain)
- support full names in UTF-8 (heeey!) :)

Full names?

For reference, I've put my (yet unfinished) PO file reader class at

(it seems to be structured similar to Pootle's storage/

Seeing as you're using Python for this rather than PHP, it would be great if we could combine efforts!
I'm very happy to accept enhancements to storage/, it gets used by the Translate Toolkit as well as Pootle, and is fairly robust in terms of handling PO file syntaxes of various sorts.

Also note that I really love some features of Pootle web editor!

Cool thanks :-)


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