Re: I18n toll wishlist


1) Headers in POT files are fuzzy. In general, I would think the
following information could be intelligently defaulted:
 - title, package, version, copyright, language-team, charset(UTF-8 for

As Danilo has already noticed, translation tools handle this quite nice. Again I am having no problems using Kbabel for this stuff.

2) I can't figure out how to build a glossary automatically from a
collection of po files. I tried msgmerge but it ran all the headers

What do you need a glossary for? If for automatic translations to be
performed later, Kbabel again saves your life. You can create a good translation
database based on your already translated po files.

3) I can't figure out how to apply a glossary correctly; I always end up
with stuff that fails the msgfmt check.  This may be related to #2.

Again, Kbabel here. yes, it has a dependency (kdelibs) but I think it's worth it.

4) It would be nice if some process-translation added last-translator
automatically to the translator-credits.

As a process-translation user, I'd like to add that this is not a good idea.
Translators generally want to be in control of all their translations (even
translators-credits section) and each translation group has their own translator-credits
translation style. Some type elder translators first, some do the opposite. Some of us
even add our mailing list information to that section. I think automatization can hurt here
more than it could help.

Hope I make sence...

Metin Amiroff      <metin at karegen dot com> |

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