Re: Why aren't some po-commits in cvs-po-commits-list/

On Wed, 2004-07-28 at 16:21 +0300, Alexander Shopov wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Is there any particular reason why the commits of po translations of 
> modules like gtk+  and glib not included in cvs-po-commits-list?

The CVSROOT/loginfo contains:

# For commits in these modules, check for changes to TODO.xml
^\(gnome-libs\|gtk+\|glib\|gnumeric\|pango\) /cvs/gnome/CVSROOT/update- %s

This line appears above the line that does the po commit log:

# 'po file only' cvs commit message (rossg)
^.+/\(po\|po-.+\)$ /cvs/gnome/CVSROOT/ -s -m cvs-po-
commits-list gnome org %s

It seems that CVS only processes the first match in the loginfo file, so
commits to those modules (gnome-libs, gtk+, glib, gnumeric and pango)
weren't reaching the script.

I've re-arranged the order of the loginfo file so it should reach the first. I don't think the '' is a big
requirement anyway, as the the TODO.xml files for those modules don't
appear to have been updated in a *long* time. If needed, I guess we
could add some perl code to the bottom of the to call
the '' script for those modules.

Hope this helps,


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