Re: Yoruba Locale Source file creation and installation


On Mon, Aug 02, 2004 at 10:47:53PM +0100, Abayomi Onibudo wrote:
> i am trying to test the .pot file translations on current available 
> versions of
> Gnome, such as 2.4 on my PC.  I have copies of a number of distributions
> redhat, mandrake, debian and suse.  However, i can't I can't seem to get any
> straight foward steps on how to install and configure a new locale.

You don't absolutely need a Yoruba locale to use Yoruba translations;
having an UTF-8 one is enough (eg: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 is enough)
then you can set LANGUAGE=yo to see the translations
(you need to create a directory /usr/share/locale/yo/LC_MESSAGES/ to
put the *.mo files there)

If you use gdm, you must set it to use "system default" (or something
like date; well, not choosing any language in the list);
and define the locale and language by yourself (on a RedHat or
Mandrake distribution, you edit /etc/sysconfig/i18n
and set LANGUAGE=yo there (and ensure that the LC_* variables
are set to an UTF-8 locale, as Yoruba needs it I think)

> Can anyone advise or point me to somewhere on how to go about creating and
> installing new locale for gnome on an exsitiong linux instllation?

On a GNU/Linux system locales are not "for Gnome", but for the whole system
(for the glibc actually).

The locales define various interesting things, like alphabetic sorting
order, date format, etc.
So it is a usefull thing to have indeed.

I can help you to write such locale file, if you can give me the
needed info on used character set, how the alphabetic sorting is
performed, month and weekdays names etc.

Another think: how do you type? Yoruba has double-diacritic letters
IIRC; is there a standardized keyboard or at least a widely used one?


Ki ça vos våye bén,
Pablo Saratxaga		PGP Key available, key ID: 0xD9B85466
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