Re: shared-mime-info

Hasbullah Bin Pit <> writes:
> Hmmm Maybe i'm biased toward TP.
> As we all know, we prefer cvs than TP
> cvs commit is just easier than TPRobot
Not if you use "M" from Emacs PO-mode: it does everything with TPRobot
itself ;-)

Though, you bring up valid points:
> whenever there are gtk2/gnome2 apps out there, we suggest them to
> reside at gnome cvs. if they reside at gnome cvs, it's easier for use
> to translate it.

The problem here is that shared-mime-info is, uhm, *shared* MIME data
between all desktop projects which abide by
"rules". If it's in Gnome CVS, others don't have access to it, though
they do use it.

This is unlike Gstreamer which is almost exclusively used by Gnome
and/or Gnome applications.

> alternatively, is TP
> but with TP, maintainer need to do extra work dealing with TP.
> compared with cvs, the miantainer/developer just develop as usual.

Yes, that's also true, but because of the point above, that's the job
one has to do (also, don't forget that many maintainers/developers
don't like translators having write access to their trees at all, but
in Gnome, they must live with that :-).

> I've notice that several gtk2/gnome2 apps reside at sf OR
> or others.
> Is that any way, GTP ppl translate gnome/gtk2 apps that reside on a
> particular cvs server.
> for example, we deal with
> for every gnome2/gtk2 apps reside there:-
> - there are stats for translation.
> - we(GTP) or translator at TP have access to /module/po/ directory for
>   every module listed as gtk2/gnome2 apps.

This is impossible for several reasons.

First of all, I don't think CVS provides for such fine-grained access
control. Next, what little access control it provides is used to
divide all the CVSROOT's into separate 'access domains', so you
wouldn't have access to CVS of all the software on Savannah (or other
Sourceforge like site) if you get access to one.

What you'd like is to have access across all CVS repositories in
Savannah, what I think is hard to implement. And no, I don't consider
adding all translators as project members to all projects
automatically as a valid solution ;-)


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