More "what do you do with..?" questions

It's me again, with more questions.

Going through the huge number of words and concepts to translate,
I became curious. Do the different teams translate all of these?

applet; GUI; VFS; encapsulated postscript; metafile; shell, sub-shell,
sub-shell support; pixmap; widget? 

I am presuming that at least some of these make more sense left
alone: no-one knows what VFS means in English anyway, as far as
I can make out. There are a load more, but that seemed quite 

What do you with with killer app? It sounds like an assassin when
I look at the words and imagine what it might mean if I didn't know. 

I'm particularly interested in whether you distinguish between 
directory and folder? How? What about "vfolders"? 

Similarly there are reboot and restart; and the mess of words 
to do with setting preferences: apply, submit, discard and so on.
But the directory/folder/vfolder one looks like it's going to 
take thought so I am wondering what other people do with them.

Are you getting overlaps and overloaded words? I have heard that
package and packet often end up translated as the same word, for


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