Re: gtranslator release upcoming

tor 2003-06-12 klockan 19.46 skrev Noah Levitt:
> > It's probably easier in general to get a recent po or pot file from the
> > translation status pages
> > (, where the pot and po
> > files are updated from CVS and intltool-updated several times a day. So
> > if you download such a file, it should be reasonably uptodate.
> Why not simply check the project out of cvs and run
> intltool-update yourself? You have to check it out anyway if
> you're going to check in a translation, right?

As Carlos pointed out, the po and pot files on the translation status
pages is a service to all those translators without cvs access, or that
can't use cvs, or do not want to. The only requirement is that the
translator has someone who can commit the translation for him or her.
Typically all team coordinators or at least someone in all teams should
have cvs access, so that part should be well covered.

Other than having someone to send the translations to, a mailer (for
sending the finished work), a text editor, and web access (for
retrieving the pot/po files) should be the only effective requirements
for translating using the translation status pages. Theoretically, you
could be translating GNOME this way from any machine possible, including
any Windows-based machine.

This is all a part of our effort in making the requirements for
translating GNOME as low as possible, in order to get more contributions
and as many complete, high quality translations for as many languages as
possible. Reducing the technical requirements is an important part of
that vision, since the ability to translate should ideally be based on
lingustic abilities rather than technical ones, IMHO.

The possibility to retrieve fresh pot and po files from the status
pages, witout the need to fiddle with cvs or learn how to use cvs and
intltool-update, is probably a very important reason that we did even
get some of the translations that we currently have, so its importance
should not be underestimated.
To my understanding, the translation status pages creator and
maintainer, Carlos, won't be coming to GUADEC this time, so I'd like to
yet again give a big thanks for his work. Thanks a lot Carlos!!! Too bad
I can't say it "IRL" at GUADEC this time :-/


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