Re: Source code encoding detection modifications for intltool

On 2003-07-15(Tue) 13:26:12 +0200, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> > An unexpected failure -- currently escaped hex values (\x??) are not
> > handled. Source code with such strings should most likely use
> > --from-code=UTF-8 too, but "file" detects them as either ASCII or ISO-*
> > files. (mlview/src/mlview-app.c for example)
> Well, if it's detected as an ASCII file, we can use without problems the
> UTF-8 encoding, the problem is if it detects it as an ISO-* because
> there are characters that are not valid UTF-8 characters...
> Ideas to "fix" it?
> Assume that all files are using UTF-8 is not the correct behavior...

I've been thinking about something like this:

[deaddog@localhost CVS.GNOME.ORG]$ cat mlview/po/
{...... comment here .......}
[encoding: UTF-8]

That is, explicitly specify the encoding of source files in,
so that intltool can use this value to avoid autodetecting file
encoding. Is there any better possible solution?


Abel Cheung
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