Re: The first commit on behalf of the Icelandic team

tor 2003-01-23 klockan 23.30 skrev Sammi:
> > I took a look, and it seems that you did it correctly. One thing though;
> > it only contains three translated strings :)
> I have done a little bit more work than that :-) but i'm still a little bit
> confused which branch i should be translating

The branches of the modules are mentioned at the bottom of the status
pages, for example at the bottom of For the
modules that aren't mentioned at the branch listing at the bottom, use
the HEAD branch.

> and just wanted to commit one po file to the
> repository to show that the Icelandic team is restarted. I have some po
> files that i
> downloaded from the status page (somwhere around 1 december 2002) that i've
> been working on. But since I did not fetch those files via cvs i´m not shure
> where
> they belong (although there is the keyword HEAD in the filename).

If they have the word HEAD in their filename, they were taken from the
HEAD branches of their modules. :)

They should most likely be committed back to HEAD and then also the
appropriate branch (if the module does use a branch now; there have been
quite a few modules that have branched since December).

> So now i'm
> checking out various modules from the gnome-2-2 branch and will be giving
> the translation work a little bit more time.
> Maybe i'm getting this concept about HEAD and branches all wrong. Should I
> first
> checkout modules from the HEAD branch, and then start working on other
> branches.

You can start translating the branches (and HEAD for those modules that
don't use a branch) -- this is probably most useful right now. The only
thing is that when you after that add the translation to cvs, add it to
HEAD first, and then the branch.

> Any guidelines regarding a good translation start would be preciated.

The most visible stuff is probably libgnomeui, libgnome, gnome-desktop,
gtk+, glib, gnome-panel, gnome-control-center, nautilus, metacity, yelp,
gedit, gdm2, gnome-mime-data, gnome-vfs, and the rest of the gnome-*
ones. I'd start with those, and then move on to the rest.

> > Anyway, thanks for restarting the Icelandic translations team - we have
> > been without Icelandic translations for a long time.
> I'm looking forward of getting the hang of the translation procedures and
> getting the Icelandic language back on the chart again.

Just let us know if you need help with committing. :)


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