Re: Conclusion GTP and TP?

fre 2002-11-01 klockan 19.31 skrev Christian Stimming:
> a. Migrate the gnucash [or: your favorite Gnome App] translation to the Robot, 
> remove it from gnome-i18n
> b. Leave it at both gnome-i18n and in the Robot, so that translators can 
> choose either way of submission, but improve the assignment procedures/status 
> pages so that duplicate work will be avoided
> c. Remove it from the Robot again and continue to maintain the 
> translations only through gnome-i18n on

I vote for "translation for projects hosted at should be
handled by the GTP only, and all others by the TP only". I don't know if
that's what your a) is.

That means, among other things, that I would like us to phase out
gnome-i18n/extra-po in the future, and convince "foreign" projects to
either move their sources to gnome cvs, or use the TP for their
translations. The reason for that is that I think the TP robot is a much
better solution for projects where translators don't have cvs access to
the sources anyway, since we can avoid all the trouble of having to
manually sync the pot files ourselves all the time. Also, if the
application is proposed for inclusion in a future gnome release, it
better be moved to gnome cvs, not just for easy access for gnome
translators, but also for many other good gnome development reasons.


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