Re: gedit schemas file warning.

fre 2002-05-31 klockan 08.31 skrev Stanislav Visnovsky:
> > > > I think this is a bad idea. We are only four days away from deep freeze
> > > > (when not even translation updates will be allowed as I understand it) and
> > > > adding translation to all modules will result in a huge load of
> > > > new strings to translate across most GNOME modules.
> > >
> > > But those strings are already without translations so it does nothing
> > > but let some translator translate them (if they have time...).
> >                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > This is the problem. Four days is *very* little time, and for the
> > languages and modules where Sun has been doing their translation review
> > (which we haven't recieved yet afaik) we'll still both need to
> > review and complete those in four days, with all the string changes that
> > were made to the modules in the mean time where we weren't supposed to
> > update the translations of those modules.
> I agree with Carlos here, the message are there and they are not
> translated (not marked for translation). You cannot get 100% translated
> GNOME, you will get only 100% statistics on status page.

This isn't just about statistics. The problem is that adding a large
number of largely unimportant strings right now will make it a rather
impossible task to find and make sure that the actually important very
much user-visible ones are translated, at least in three days.

> However, I understand that to do a review, this would be huge problem for
> you. So, we should not add them for this release.
> IMHO, this is a result of the broken message freeze. Otherwise the review
> has been already done.

No. If I remember correctly, Sun fetched their first batch of
translations they aimed to review before the message freeze, so there
are a large number of legitimate changes that have happened inbetween. I
have to merge the Sun translations and complete all those changes in
just three days now to make everything complete (which is hundreds and
hundreds of new and fuzzy messages, many of them important and

So no, for "sv" at least, the community review of gedit, ggv, ghex,
glade, gnome-applets, gnome-control-center, gnome-desktop,
gnome-session, gnome-panel, gnome-media, gnome-utils, gperfmeter and
nautilus *hasn't* been done, because it couldn't be done before now.

And on top of that people want to add hundreds and hundreds of messages,
that everyone agrees in most cases are rather unimportant, and they
weren't even translatable just a week ago. How would I find the
important ones? How do I know if important strings are changed or added
as last-minute bug fixes? You can't tell because they will all be
invisible in the stats.

I hope I have explained myself well enough so that everyone realizes why
adding intltool schemas support to all modules right now is a VERY bad


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