Re: translations and bugzilla

On Wed, 2002-06-05 at 11:54, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> I just finished the clean up.
> We have now the l10n product with only one module (Spanish) were are all
> old bugs against l10n-es.


> Feel free to add any locales now :-)

Most people do not have the necessary permissions to add components;
Carlos, will you coordinate for people who cannot do this themselves or
should people write to [ideally, you'd do it- I'd
hate to inundate bugmaster if that is avoidable.]

> P.S.: I think it's better use Spanish, German, Spanish-Spain instead of
> es, de, es_ES, the user perhaps don't know which locale is using exactly
> and this way it's easy for them when they use bugzilla or bug-buddy.

I'd suggest something titles like 'Spanish-Spain [es_ES]',
'English-Britian [en_UK]' to provide maximal information and minimal

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