Re: gedit string freeze breakage

Hey Kjartan,

> > Perhaps, in the simple case of removing a space in a string, like the
> > recent one in magicdev, the person who makes the change, should be
> > required to check in the changes to the po files as well?
> > 
> It's tricky, some people have no problems with this, while others don't
> like that their translations are changed by "outsiders".
> Maybe we should just come up with guidelines for these kinds of things
> that we could submit to the release-team/foundation/whatever and let
> everyone abide by those?

Yes! I personally would love to see this I suspect would
everyone else on the release team. 

One of the current goals of the release team is to promote communication
between the various different groups and we would definitely love to see
the i18n team taking a more positive role within the release cycle -
it's very hard for us to even try to attempt to guide you
although we know roughly the issues that effect you, it's hard to fully
understand unless you are doing this stuff day by day....We are just the
catalyst to getting the process going ;)

We would love to hear any feedback you have from the GNOME 2.0.0 release
- what worked, what didn't work and what you guys think should be
changed in the future. We'd also love to hear if the current 2.2
schedule agrees with you - if not, why not? and what can we do to
change? [this applies to all the groups, not only i18n]. 

			See ya,
				Glynn ;)

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