Re: gedit string freeze breakage

On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 17:05, Luis Villa wrote:

> so I think it should stay in. But it is up to the translators, really-
> whatever they say goes.
That's a nice but rather void gesture. Translators do not really have a
voice. We're not organised in this sense. Suppose I would be against a
change. Would that be enough for the patch to be withdrawn? Or would it
require a more famous person to be against? Or perhaps two or three
translators agreeing with each other that this breakage should be
reversed? Would that be enough?

I think we, translators, have to accept occasional string breakage and
live with it.
Though it is good to have developers being vigilant against haphazard
changes during freeze-time.

Perhaps, in the simple case of removing a space in a string, like the
recent one in magicdev, the person who makes the change, should be
required to check in the changes to the po files as well?


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