RE: open translations database

I think biggest problem for translators is that there's no place in web
*translation specifics - HOWTOs, FAQ, etc.;
*translation formats, projects, etc. (GNU gettext, etc.);
*information about translation programs;
*other kind of information and possibility to host team page and project;
(of coarse, they can use, but there it can be more specific)

For example, most problem with translation is user feedback. But not all
translation's teams are capable
to host a site for translation discussions, etc. And in fact, they would
like to spend time in translation rather
than building web site to receive feedback from users.

I think all that can be done trough Only something like
sourceforge engine is needed...

And in the end, about 'bad' or 'good' translations - IMO, relatively good
translation is when in fits in such factors:
*it's understandable to 80-90% of users of that language (balance between
tech. specific and user-friendly terms)
*it's uses specifics of languages, e.g. uses proper apex, etc.
*it's done almost in time (for every release) - but it's last factor, not so

Peteris Krisjanis.
LL10NT = Latvian L10N Team

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