gnome-hackers moderation

Someone recently asked why his subscription request to the
gnome-hackers list was still pending.

I answered that besides his request, there are currently 24 other
pending subscription requests to the gnome-hackers list.

I know of no list policy for subscriptions to the gnome-hackers list,
other than the fact that the gnome-hackers list is not an open list
and the list subscription is moderated. But nowhere does it, to the
best of my knowledge, say *how* subscription requests should be
moderated and treated. This is why I leave the gnome-hackers list
subscription request moderation for others to decide, in contrast to
message moderation to the list. There are two other list admins who
perhaps know more than me about the gnome-hackers subscription
moderation policy.

However, this shouldn't be a big problem, I guess, as the
desktop-devel-list is open for all.


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