Re: Subversion migration schedule (new cut-off Fri 14 July?)

On Sat, 2006-06-03 at 00:09 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Ross Golder">
> > How about this - I'll run another test migration on the 23rd, but won't
> > actually make the switch. At least then, if anyone at GUADEC wants to play
> > with or demonstrate anything related to subversion, at least they will get
> > fairly up-to-date code.
> Awesome - good call.
> > So, looking at the release schedule, it looks like the next best date
> > would be July 14th. How would that be?
> Hrm, puts it out a bit, hey? I'm happy with that, though, if it's the first
> available time.

I can do it sooner if there's a demand for it. I'd certainly be happier
once it's done and dusted.

For me, the 30th June would be good, but it seemed too soon after GUADEC
- perhaps people will still have work in their CVS w/d left to commit?
The 7th July falls before a couple of tarball deadlines, so might be
inconvenient for maintainers if their module takes a while to migrate.
The 16th July seems best, because there's not much else going on.

I'm open to suggestions. It doesn't necessarily have to be done over a
weekend either.


> Thanks!
> - Jeff

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