Re: Subversion migration schedule (new cut-off Fri 16 June)

<quote who="Ross Golder">

> As the various show-stoppers that prevented our previously scheduled
> migration from going ahead have now been resolved, I am proposing that the
> new migration go ahead at 23:59UTC on Friday 16th June 2006. Please let us
> know a.s.a.p if that will be inconvenient for anyone.


Can I suggest that we do the migration after GUADEC? I think it would be
more useful for us to have reliable and known access to CVS through the week
than be dealing with post-migration woes (as clean as it will be, there will
be some hassles for everyone).


- Jeff

GUADEC 2006: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain  
       "So I'll have to talk about what I know instead. If you are so
     inclined, you may infer that I am totally oblivious to anything I
                   don't talk about today." - Larry Wall

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