Re: Intolerable CVS behaviour

On Tue, Feb 27, 2001 at 01:12:08PM +0100, olea hispafuentes com wrote:
> > We need to be an open project.  Not a project of closed elitist, egomaniacal
> > bastards.  Yes GNOME is successful, and yes GNOME is used by many people.
> > But that is no reason for us to feel supperior to any hacker that comes
> > along.  That is no reason for us to feel supperior to translators because
> > we're coders, and they're "JUST" translators.
> As I've experienced a lot working with translators I'm sure they want to
> work a lot but their technical skills are low. Working with a big cvs
> like Gnome's one is not trivial. I know it well :-) If translators has
> an easy way to do their job they'll be more productive and less
> dangerous about cvs problems.
> If needed, it could be possible to open cvs accounts for «advanced
> translators», IMO.

Just had an i18n fix from a person I didn't really know was an "advanced

Plus doesn't the term "advanced translator" sound of elitism just as well?

I suppose my opposition to meassures such as ACLs comes from having lived
under an authoritarian system once.  There were very strict rules for
everything under communism.  And crime was low.  Now there is freedom, and
crime is much higher.  So is it a good reason to go back to an authoritarian
system of strict rules, walls and restrictions?

A lot of societies and states that have just won freedom from an
authoritarian system, quickly went back to one.  This was because the people
didn't realize that best is not to have control, rather then for someone to
have strict control.  They try to "protect" their freedoms by restricting

Translations and documentation is just as much a part of any project as is
the code.  So to be truly fair, if I restrict translators and documentators
from code, I should restrict myself from the translations and documentation.
I mean a good hacker doesn't neccessairly make a good translator or a good
documentator.  Yet we do seem to meddle in those files every once in a while
as well.


George <jirka 5z com>
   People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.
                       -- Otto von Bismarck

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