Re: [GNOME VFS] gob inside gnome-vfs ...

On Fri, 2002-06-21 at 10:53, Alex Graveley wrote:
> [1] Instead, why isn't time being spent on things apps can actually use
> to make visible changes... a capabilities api, a metadata api outside of
> nautilus, a file searching interface, fixing the http module, cleaning
> the existing disgusting code, GThread-izing, security-auditing, *archive
> support*, blah blah blah blah... [2]

what, like gnome-vfs-metadata.gob?

On the cards for 2.2 are (according to my scribbled notes from the mini
gnome-vfs conference that Seth and I had over mexican food and gelato a
little while ago):
 - metadata
 - capabilities
 - improved ssh module (based on libssh - when I finish it)

Stuff we would like to do is:
 - add a file-locking api (flock/nfs-safe locking/webdav locking)
 - http post abstraction (people keep whining)
 - http improvements (finish cookie support, redirection support, etc)
 - mime improvements and rewrite - hopefully in conjunction with KDE
> [2] Forgive the random bitching.

No! I will not!
Okay, how could I stay angry at you...

Ian [being random]

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