Re: The state of our web site and standards

Daniel Veillard wrote:
>   My suggestions are:
>     - keep it simple and do it fast


>     - provide templates for the various areas of the web site

No objection.

>     - serve static pages

IMHO, that's similar to saying "you are not allowed to have *any*
function calls" to a programmer. What do you get? Code that is hard to
grasp, lots of duplicate code, and a program that is simply
unmaintainable in the long run.

I also like to know how i18n should work if only static pages was to be
served. There's no way translations can be maintained (in the proper
sense of the word) with static pages. My proposal is using gettext calls
in php - the advantage of using gettext is that the gnome web site
translation can be maintained exactly the same way, with the same tools,
and by the same people, as all the other Gnome translations.

Maybe you meant generating static pages from a dynamic source? Then it's
a bit different, but I still think doing them dynamically all the way is
the best solution. It's easier and I assume people will test their stuff
before committing - it's not hard to set up a development web server of
your own that can handle PHP and where you can test your changes. I do
so all the time, and I assume others do too. As long as there is no
required database backend or other dependencies that's feasible.

Anyway, this discussion is best suited on gnome-web-list and I really
hope you join in on that discussion - you have lots of valid opinions.


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