Re: A call to action

On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 12:47:59PM -0700, Arlo Rose wrote:
> As soon as I have more time, I'll begin to publish the chapters as I finish
> them as a retrofit of the current GNOME UI Guideline document checked into
> CVS (which I maintain, but have yet to touch since becoming maintainer.)


Are you referring to the documents at ? Have
I found the correct UI Guidelines?

I'm somewhat worried because I think these guidelines need to be done
as soon as possible. All the time in which developers don't have such
guidelines is time in which programs will be written with inconsistent
UIs. Would I be correct in assuming that your work on this will only
begin after Nautilus 1.0 is released? And if that is the case should
some other arrangements be made for the writing of this document?


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