Re: needed feature

Highly agreed ... but a few points:

Enlightenment (one window manager) offers keyboard shortcuts for many of the things
you've mentionned -- you can bind them to any keys you like with a simple
configuration program.  I have shade, lower, raise, minimise, move to next desktop,
etc. all bound to keys, even close and kill.

The ALT-bindings for menus have always bothered me under X apps too though -- I love
being able to jump to the menu bar at will ... even if its F10 or something.

Cole Petersburg wrote:

> (I'm new to this list so I don't know if these questions have been raised
> before)
>         I don't use Linux regularly for one reason: I can't access menus with the
> alt button. It may sound trivial, but it's most of what I do with Windows.
> At home running four Netscape windows and Eudora and ftp, I can use a
> button to reach the desktop. At work I can do html, save, and alt-tab to
> the browser. (Well I probably could manage that one with Gnome.) I can hit
> alt, left, down down down down down Enter to close something. I can run
> most things from the keyboard. Gnome has alt-tab, but I want more! Even if
> I were using an xterm to run programs with my keyboard, I couldn't close it
> or open another one without the mouse. I couldn't minimize it with keys. I
> thought the great thing about using Linux is that you don't have to point
> and click!
>         Is this a feature I just haven't found yet? Would this require a utility?
> Does such a utility exist? Or would this be a widget thing?
>         I know that Photoshop for Windows doesn't allow accessing menus with the
> alt key, so is this up to the developer of each program? The terminal and
> Gnotepad+, at least, are under the control of the Gnome developers.
>         Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me, but I think I remember that with
> Gnome, an app's window doesn't go into the next desktop section, when it
> does under fvwm. I think KDE also cuts off boxes... Without setting my
> display at 1600x1200, windows frequently go below the bottom of the page
> and are hard to resize.
>         Are these things being worked on?
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