Re: needed feature

>(I'm new to this list so I don't know if these questions have been raised

Uuumm, yes, I believe.

>I don't use Linux regularly for one reason: I can't access menus with the
>alt button. It may sound trivial, but it's most of what I do with Windows.

Unix is extreme, or you use mouse (lots of X apps) or you use keyboard
(terminals, vi, emacs), but rarely both work nice at the same time.

>At home running four Netscape windows and Eudora and ftp, I can use a
>thought the great thing about using Linux is that you don't have to point
>and click!

Most apps have menu and / or direct keys now. Direct is a key combo that you
hit and does a inmediate function, for example ctrl+q to exit an app (Gimp).
Menu keys launch a menu of the app, so you can use arrows or other letters
to select something, for example alt+f to get File menu. Latest GNOME apps
have both.

But we still need other things like desktop o panel navigation. IIRC the GUI
Squad already know this, and is working on it. ;]

BTW, you can put mouse in sloppy focus or focus follows mouse. For some
people, once they use it, they find click to focus a waste (I did).

>Is this a feature I just haven't found yet? Would this require a utility?
>Does such a utility exist? Or would this be a widget thing?

Maybe you have old apps, what version of GNOME are you running? If you do
not know, tell use what distro version, so we know what GNOME version.

>I know that Photoshop for Windows doesn't allow accessing menus with the
>alt key, so is this up to the developer of each program? The terminal and
>Gnotepad+, at least, are under the control of the Gnome developers.

Yes, the coder decides what an app does.

>Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me, but I think I remember that with
>Gnome, an app's window doesn't go into the next desktop section, when it
>does under fvwm. I think KDE also cuts off boxes... Without setting my
>display at 1600x1200, windows frequently go below the bottom of the page
>and are hard to resize.

That is a window manager task. Modern window managers try to map always in
visible zones, avoiding panels and other problematic areas. When maximing,
they do the same and only use normal area, not speacial like panel zone. The
maximizing feature already exist in Saw [ mill | fish ], and IIRC the first
placement too (if not, it will be added, sure, cos users want it).

BTW, you can resize with any window corner, at least in normal window
managers. Others, due theme or dues design, do not allow this, and are not nice.

>Are these things being worked on?

Yes, and if an app does not have it, report as GUI bug, thanks.


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