needed feature

(I'm new to this list so I don't know if these questions have been raised

	I don't use Linux regularly for one reason: I can't access menus with the
alt button. It may sound trivial, but it's most of what I do with Windows.
At home running four Netscape windows and Eudora and ftp, I can use a
button to reach the desktop. At work I can do html, save, and alt-tab to
the browser. (Well I probably could manage that one with Gnome.) I can hit
alt, left, down down down down down Enter to close something. I can run
most things from the keyboard. Gnome has alt-tab, but I want more! Even if
I were using an xterm to run programs with my keyboard, I couldn't close it
or open another one without the mouse. I couldn't minimize it with keys. I
thought the great thing about using Linux is that you don't have to point
and click!
	Is this a feature I just haven't found yet? Would this require a utility?
Does such a utility exist? Or would this be a widget thing?
	I know that Photoshop for Windows doesn't allow accessing menus with the
alt key, so is this up to the developer of each program? The terminal and
Gnotepad+, at least, are under the control of the Gnome developers.

	Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me, but I think I remember that with
Gnome, an app's window doesn't go into the next desktop section, when it
does under fvwm. I think KDE also cuts off boxes... Without setting my
display at 1600x1200, windows frequently go below the bottom of the page
and are hard to resize.

	Are these things being worked on?

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