Re: Copy-Paste between filemanager and document editor

What Microsoft did right there, and most users ignore, is make the drag-icon
different based on the default operation.  It shows an arrow for 'move', a
plus-sign for 'copy' and a shortcut icon for 'create shortcut'.

If you drag a file between locations on the same drive, it moves.
If you drag between different drives, it copies.
If you drag a program (exe,com,bat), it makes a shortcut.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dylan Griffiths" <>

> Jorg Rathlev wrote:
> > It works on my system (Win 2000, Office 2000, Bitmap file). If it
doesn't on
> > yours, try dragging with the right mouse button, you'll see a menu
> > you what to do. Even copy / paste works.
> I just want to pipe in that the DnD approach should always, always be to
> have same action based on the left mouse button.  IE: dragging files
> in a file manager should always be MOVE, or let the user have an option
> right drag (or left drag + meta key).  I hate linking or copying files so
> much by accident that I haven't left dragged on a Windows machine since
> 1997.  I don't know of anyone who does left drag.  So MS has effectively
> gone and made the mouse single button for file management :)

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