Copy-Paste between filemanager and document editor


Clipboard functions (Cut, Copy, Paste) and Drag and drop are the basic
functions to move information in applications and between applications.
Why couldn't these features be implemented to work between filemanger
(gmc, nautilus, etc) and document applications (ABI-word, etc.). When I
see an image file in nautilus as a thumbnail, why couldn't I just
copy-paste it into abiword within a text.

This doesn't work even in Microsoft products. Dnd of image file from
filemanager to Word results an ICON to appear into word!

Or even wise versa: I have a nice picture in a document and I want to
save it as it is. Copy-paste it into filemanager and the filemanager
displays a dialog which asks for image name and file format.

I think this is an essential feature towards document centric approach.



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