Re: First UI component needing replacement.

On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 05:45:26PM +0200, Jörg Rathlev wrote:
> My suggestion is to hide from the list all files that do not match the
> filename. Once only one match is left, autocomplete the filename to be that
> of the only matching file (but leave the cursor at its current position and
> select the completion proposal, so the user can overwrite it if it's not
> what he wants - like in browsers).

This makes me somewhat uneasy. I know if *I* saw files vanishing as I
typed, I'd be alarmed. Is there any reason we can't just scroll to the
place in the file list where the given filename would occur? If the
files are not sorted by name, you might use the GNOME "Find Next"
standard shortcut to jump between them...

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