Re: First UI component needing replacement.

Yes, yes ... that's how the proposal ended up ... (thanks, haven't seen you
around for a while ... need to follow lists more ;-)

Scroll to first occurance (making it the first item in the list).

----- Original Message -----
From: <>

> On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 05:45:26PM +0200, Jörg Rathlev wrote:
> > My suggestion is to hide from the list all files that do not match the
> > filename. Once only one match is left, autocomplete the filename to be
> > of the only matching file (but leave the cursor at its current position
> > select the completion proposal, so the user can overwrite it if it's not
> > what he wants - like in browsers).
> This makes me somewhat uneasy. I know if *I* saw files vanishing as I
> typed, I'd be alarmed. Is there any reason we can't just scroll to the
> place in the file list where the given filename would occur? If the
> files are not sorted by name, you might use the GNOME "Find Next"
> standard shortcut to jump between them...

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