gnome key binding standard

My contributions to the GNOME key binding standard.

I see little reason that the unix command key in X should be the Meta key
(contrary to the Mozilla UI guide). It feels kind of awkward to hit ALT+A on
a standard PC keyboard, and when you want to hit ALT+B you have to change
the position of your hand.

Using Ctrl as the Meta key is only a problem in tty applications. In those
applications you usually don't have many important menu choices, and in Meta
could be used if necessary. Some standard accelerators in Win32 are below.

Ctrl+A Edit/Select All
Ctrl+X Edit/Cut
Ctrl+C Edit/Copy
Ctrl+V Edit/Paste
Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl+Z Edit/Undo
Ctrl+Y (?) Edit/Redo
Ctrl+N File/New
Ctrl+O File/Open
Ctrl+G Edit/Go To...
Ctrl+H (?) Edit/Replace...
Ctrl+P File/Print
Ctrl+S File/Save
Ctrl+Q (?) File/Exit (from Amiga)

Accelerators marked (?) are very much debatable...

Oskar Liljeblad (

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