Re: Attempt to sum things up.

Preben Randhol writes...

   Please fill out the below with either
   [ ] = Agree, [X] = Disagree or [D] = Don't know

   [X] Help menu should be left-justified and the last (rightmost) item.
   [X] There should be a rootmenu.
   [ ] Menu and keybindings should be configurable.
   [X] Menus should be tear off.
   [X] There should be a Main menu in addition to File.
   [D] App and document settings should be separated.
   [X] Configuration should use tree structure as seen in Netscape

i feel that the ``help'' menu should be right-justified.  it stands out
more clearly that way.  also, i strongly feel that it should be a picture
of a smiling face, a la ``the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy'', and not
plain old ``help''.  i mean, who is going to catch that beetles reference,

my window manager (9wm forever!!!11) provides for all my root menu needs.
i do not think gnome need provide another.  we don't need bloatware.

having one set of keybindings and menu items in all my apps encourages me
not to think between keystrokes.  i like that.  it saves us free software
developers (or open-source, if that's your preference), from having to
remember lots of different settings.

also, i prefer vi key-bindings by default.  thank you.

i don't see what good tear-off menus are, to be honest.  all my other
apps have menus in the same place, and it's easy for me to simply move
my mouse to a certain spot on-screen and <click><click>save and exit!.
now, i can understand tear-off toolbar menus, but even then, i prefer
that they remain part of the application window, and not show up on the
root window.

a ``main menu''?  whatever for?  again, we must watch out for bloat.

we must be constantly vigilent, fellow free software (or open-source)
developers!  we are not microsoft.  we must not become like microsoft.

i am not aware of the issues that surround the question of application/doc
settings.  i would be grateful if someone could explain that for me.  thanks.

i feel that we don't need a config tree like netscape's.  we can do
better.  heck, we're simply smarter than the corporate clowns at netscape.
the fact that we use and promote linux and free (open-source, if you prefer)
software is evidence of that, wouldn't you agree?

thank you for providing me with the opportunity to participate in that
great mass phenomenon that we call democracy.  it is a wonderful and
powerfully moving way for us to show our civic pride and maintain our
community involvement.  our forefathers had to fight long and hard to
give us these freedoms and rights.  we often take them for granted
("self evident"), even though the idea of inalienable rights is still
very new (only a few hundred years old), and still not accepted in
many countries.  thanks, ray.

#                                                                             #
#  Gerald 'Clarisse' Consing                           Phone: (805) 898-8442  #
#  Email: consing@LISP-READER.Hungry.COM                 FAX: (842) 978-1410  #
#                                                                             #
#                                    _____..---=======+*+=========---.._____  #
#   ______________________ ___,-= '=====____  ================= ____ =====`=  #
#  (._____________________I___) - _-=_/    `--------=+=-------'               #
#         /      /__...---===='---+---_'                                      #
#        '-----'---.___ -  _ =   _.-'                                         #
#                       `--------'                                            #
#                                                                             #
#  "I represent a sardine!!"                                                  #
#  		--Zippy                                                       #
#                                                                             #
#  "I've never heard anything as ridiculous as the idea that my sexist        #
#  joke is pretty good."                                                      #
#  		--Me                                                          #
#                                                                             #
#                                                                             #
#  Gerald 'Clarisse' Consing                           Phone: (805) 898-8442  #
#  Email: consing@LISP-READER.Hungry.COM                 FAX: (842) 978-1410  #
#                                                                             #
#                                    _____..---=======+*+=========---.._____  #
#   ______________________ ___,-= '=====____  ================= ____ =====`=  #
#  (._____________________I___) - _-=_/    `--------=+=-------'               #
#         /      /__...---===='---+---_'                                      #
#        '-----'---.___ -  _ =   _.-'                                         #
#                       `--------'                                            #
#                                                                             #
#  "I represent a sardine!!"                                                  #
#  		--Zippy                                                       #
#                                                                             #
#  "I've never heard anything as ridiculous as the idea that my sexist        #
#  joke is pretty good."                                                      #
#  		--Me                                                          #
#                                                                             #

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