Re: Tips on what to avoid

Preben Randhol wrote:
> * Horacio J. Peña/sl/wo
> | ¡Hola!
> |
> | > >- Dialog boxes with only "Yes" and "No" buttons should be avoided.
> | > >Try to use "OK" and "Cancel" where possible.
> | > Why not verbs? "Some files have changed: Save / Discard" (or "Save / Cancel")
> Agree, but Cancel can be ambiguous. Like:
>  You have not saved your work!
>  Before you exit would you like to:
>    <Save>  <Discard>  <Cancel>
> here Cancel will result that one does not exit the program. I'm not
> sure if this is a problem though.

this i agree with, although i'm afraid that in my experience there will
_always_ be a little ambiguity to work around. i just had to teach a few
dozen non-computing halfwits at work how to do a simple table in an
earlier version of word for windows, and am convinced now more than ever
that sometimes you just have to buckle down and accept that some things
_won't_ always be perfectly clear, even in the best-designed user
interface, so a little instruction and rtfm'ing is _always_ necessary.

i am, as most of you know already, a big believer in only sending your
computer verbs as commands. ("ok" tells your computer absolutely
nothing; "save" and "discard" are very clear in comparison.) however, in
the example you give above, and in light of the fact that some parts of
computers always _will_ need clarification, i propose the addition of
this sentence to the gnome style guide:

the "cancel" choice in a dialog box shall always mean, "exit from the
current dialog box and return to the state from which this dialog box
was called with no changes to the active

if this is one of, say, three arbitrary sentences that must be learned
absolutely by a new gnome user, i'd say we're already beating microsoft
and apple for ease of use, even with those three concessions. :)

as always, your opinions please!

"Whoever saves one life saves the whole world in time." --Talmud

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