Re: Style Guide suggestion

Preben Randhol wrote:
> * Marko Macek
> | Gleef wrote:
> | > Therefore I would vote that Preferences... be required to be under File.
> | > It's not pretty, but it would be consistant.  And besides, Preferences are
> | > stored in a File, so it isn't a non-sensical location.
> |
> | I disagree. File menu should only contain options related to the file.
> Where should one put Quit/Exit then? :)

okay, revision to my earlier opinion: the menuing interface should be
like it is in electriceyes. the "file" menu contains all the bullshit
choices that don't have anything to do with files, but which people have
been stupidly misled to believe belong there anyway, yet the "root menu"
(yes, i'm still holding out for the right-clickable menu a la gimp and
ee) also contains those choices as root-level options. perfect
compromise. a good app to showcase the precedent, too, imo.

my take on the whole user interface is that we shouldn't give people
what they're used to seeing. we should give people something that makes
sense. if we as linux/bsd/etc users were in the habit of giving users
what they're already used to seeing, we'd all be using windows.

btw, has anyone figured out a better way of deciding and finalizing
style guide choices besides

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