Re: Tips on what to avoid

* Horacio J. Peña/sl/wo
| ¡Hola!
| > >- Dialog boxes with only "Yes" and "No" buttons should be avoided.
| > >Try to use "OK" and "Cancel" where possible.
| > Why not verbs? "Some files have changed: Save / Discard" (or "Save / Cancel")

Agree, but Cancel can be ambiguous. Like:

 You have not saved your work!
 Before you exit would you like to:

   <Save>  <Discard>  <Cancel>  

here Cancel will result that one does not exit the program. I'm not
sure if this is a problem though. 

At any rate when speaking of dialogs, I want to point out again that
it would be very useful (at least I believe so) if one could predefine
an answer. The dialog above could be set through the preference to
either always save upon exit or always discard. If it isn't set the
dialog would pop up. One could have a small check button at the bottom
of the dialog which says: [ ] Accept this as the default choice. (or
something better) This might not be preferable too all dialogs, but
at least some of the more trivial... those which is always
nagging. Like the Do you really want to quit Windows (as that wasn't
rhetorical question) or The-failed-to-find-the-text-you-search
-for-in-this-document in Netscape.

Comments please...

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