Re: Proposal for File-Selection Dialog wrote:
> Remember our role as "cherry pickers

I do. I just believe that "desktop" and "my computer" aren't cherries. I
could name a couple of other cherries, for example the nextstep dock, which
the afterstep windowmanager re-creates. it's the sole reason that it's my
favorite windowmanager.
(<flamebait>unfortunatly, the gnome panel is another gone-wrong attempt at
this, the same way that the kde and windoze panels are </flamebait>)

> >  make it easy. so if they move the mouse over the ~, a tooltip should say
> >  "home directory".
> Tilde is very non-intuitive if you don't come from a Unix background and 
> have no desire to learn the filesystem.

yes, but "~ = homedirectory" is a very easy to memorize item, isn't it?

> >  concepts like home directories, and learning that ~ is an abbreviation for
> >  that is memorized instantly.
> I am highly skeptical that this is generally the case.

then make the test. I've done it, though I don't claim a statistically
representative basis.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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