actual proposal

I wanna get some work done. :)

this is both, a proposal for one  actual case and a proposal  for the
general  layout  of those.  I guess it would make sense if your comments 
seperated these two facts.

Item:    Single Close Button

Purpose: Provide a consistent way to close simple popup-windows

Why:    Apart from consistency, you never  know which windowmanager people
        are using. They might even  be using none at all (running X on an
        older laptop for a single purpose often is done that way. for screen
        real-estate reasons more than performance). Therefore, you should
        never rely on external means to close popup-windows. So you need
        to provide a means yourself and this has to be consistent with other
        applications or  the  user will  be hunting around for the close
        button until frustration.

How:    Every window that requires no interaction (dialogs are treated in
        chapter X, item Y)  has to have a  single button labeled "Close".
        "Close" is also used in GNOME applications to close single documents
        in contrast to exiting the whole application, so the user will not
        be confused to the  effect of this button.
        This button has to be at the very buttom of the window, either (in
        small windows) expanded to fill it's entire width [example screenshot]
	or located at the bottom-right [screenshot] for windows so large
        that an expanded button looks bad. (Author decision)
        The Close button has to have focus so that the user can close the
        popup window by hitting "return".
        "ESC" also has to close the window.
Libs:   If you use the gnome_popupwindow_small() resp.
        gnome_popupwindow_large() library functions, you will be supplied
        with a properly formated and layouted window with an empty vbox
        accessible as widget->content where you can fill in your contents.

comments? flames? corrections?

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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