Re: flamewar's over? quit dousing yourself in gasoline and giving out free matches.

[flamebait removed--we *all* have better things to do]

>ps. the whole scroll-wheel-mice and center-drag-to-scroll thread was
>about a week ago, in case you can get your hands on the archive. go read
>it, pay attention to what the real coders say, and learn something
>before you speak.

The guy was talking about a keyboard button to trigger scrolling.

I thought that was a good idea, as the only discussions here were paste v.
scroll for the rare button 2.

There was some confusion about the point of the post; I immediately
clarified that was the topic area.  I would be happy to repost my
clarification for you, as I understand how in the noise of this channel you
might have missed it.

Anyway, this "coder war" is a moot point.  Minbar's *got* a coder, and most
of the irc channel you refer to seems to like the idea of a task manager
that sorts by application and not by birth order.  Other stuff with the
minbar...hurm, turns out it's damn near impossible to pull off minimized
pictures, and that fact's been reflected on the web page.  Go see,, and please tell me if my phrasing can be
adjusted to better reflect the truth.

Lesse, other content stuff...uh, hurm.  Coder war really is over--GTK-Perl
looks easy enough to grasp that I'll prolly begin "sleeping with the enemy",
if you will.  That being said, I still believe that an average user should
be able to make a suggestion.  If it was my attitude that put people off,
that's fine, but it was never my attitude that was flamed, rather it was the
presumption I had that I could propose without code.  Please, do correct me
if I am in error, because I really want to be.  May I ask why proposals
exist on the GNOME Web site if they are something that should be
discouraged?  This is something that has been unclear to me, perhaps you can

Don't leave the list on my behalf.  That's even more martyry than me, no?

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